Sunday, August 7, 2011

Found a baby bird what should I do?

I found a baby Carolina Wren by my trash can. It had it's eyes close and it was shaking. It can hop around and when it flaps it's wings it can almost fly (just a few inches from the ground though). It began chirping when I poked it with a stick to see if it was alive. I heard a bird respond to it's call and then it began to chirp louder. It hobbled in the middle of my driveway and chirped louder. Then An adult Carolina Wren flew by it a few times and even brushed against it during it's flights. The adult wren then flew off on top of my house somewhere. The baby stopped chirping and hid under one of the cars in the driveway. I assume the adult wren was one of it's parents. Can the parents save the chick or is it too late. What will happen to the chick if it's left out on my driveway. What can I do (I'm not so big on the idea of taking in a wild animal). Or should I just leave it and let nature take it's course?

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